BrazilianTokusatsu-The Cosmic Patrol's Next Adventure



The Adventures of the Cyberbio Cosmic Patrol

The Cosmic Patrol's next adventure will have several surprises that will only be revealed here. This project had several modifications and a huge delay, as we are embracing several projects at the same time. So I invite all of you to get to know a little about Guncyber's next adventure, Karacha and new rangers...

After the cyberbio team defeated the mad machine criminal organization, the group dispersed. U-fei disconnected from the cosmic patrol and decided to stay on Earth, where he married an earthling, having the Karatcha maturity bio activation code turned off.
Gun Cyber ​​seriously wounded in the last battle, had his armor badly damaged,
being taken to the weapons center of the cosmic patrol. Guncyber is now in standard cosmic patrol officer armor and normally serves on
interplanetary Policing missions .

Gun storm, the former commander of the cosmic patrol, receives a report from the intelligence service on the emergence of a new space criminal organization operating on earth, the neo mad machine. This new criminal organization was formed by worshipers of the pirate god shinpai, who settled on earth and recruit earthling criminals
to carry out criminal activities, providing them with weapons and space technology.
Therefore, Gun Storm asks the science center to improve the
Cyberbio combat suit, to come up with a more agile and self-repairing suit.
The biogears were then created .
With the costumes ready, gun storm summoned a young soldier from the patrol to wear one of the costumes, with the help of the experienced and grumpy guncyber, but the friendship between them is still intact.
The new space patrol is formed.

No law in the universe will be violated without any punishment.

All characters are creations of Irlayne Silveira and are registered under the patent law at the School of Fine Arts in Rio de Janeiro.

Help our heroes... Why? Because we all need heroes.

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